The True Benefits Of Using Figs (Anjeer)

                    There is a special purpose and benefit to create flowers and fruits by nature. One of these fruits is 'Fig' that has wonderful benefits. The fig is a fruit that contains no useless portions, such as nut, seed and skin. That is why it is called the fruit of heaven because it is said that fruits of heaven have no useless portions. It is also said that on earth after humans, the first tree discovered was of fig. Due to seasonal effects, fresh fig is not sold in many countries. After drying and making it straight by pressing, it is sold in the rope. The fig not only makes the body attractive and smart but also provides reddish white color to face. 

It naturally improves the overall gastrointestinal performance of the digestive system. People with desire to lose weight must eat 4 to 5 figs a day. Sodium and potassium levels are imbalance in the body of people suffering from blood pressure. The use of fig is useful for this balance while it can reduce blood pressure. Extreme standard, non-extravagant components of fig remove the harmful substances from blood vessels. Apart from this, these ingredients also play a role for cancer prevention. The fig is the fruit of better nutritional than all other fruits.For example, the fig provides the human body two percent of the daily necessity of iron. Calcium is the food of Teeth and bones which is present in fig.

By chewing fig ,teeth become strong and powerful. In addition, proteins, mineral ingredients, glucose and phosphorus are found in the fig. By eating fig, the intestines remain clean. Whether eat it fresh or dry, nothing is better than fig for digestive system. Eat 4 to 5 figs daily before sleeping by chewing with teeth or by making it soft in hot milk, it helps to get rid of intestines problems. Eating fig not only controls blood pressure but also helps in making more blood. If obesity is bad then too much body thinness is also not good. If the people with weak bodies make the habit to eat fig then they can get rid of body weakness. The fig is the enemy of laziness. If you have a throat problem like retardation in throat or irritating throat then by swallowing fig after chewing well can get rid of this problem. The fig is very useful for children, because it contains some digestive yeast, which makes the digestive system strong. The health of children remains good if the digestion remains good and their growth process continues with improvement, so eat 4 to 5 figs daily and also give it to your children.

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