Top 10 Men You Won't Believe Exist

               We all people want to be a normal human being or we may wish to have a super natural power but we are not so lucky to have those but here are 10 unusual men who really exists:-

10) Yu Zhenhuan:-
Yu Zhenhuan from China is the hairiest man in the World since the age of two he has suffered from a rare condition that makes hair cover ninety-seven percent of his body. Yu has had five operations to remove the hair from his nose and gums to prevent infection. Yu's eyelashes also hide his eyes. 

He says that he didn't used to like going outside and being seen but since his fame from his hair he now aspires to be a rock star.

9) Chandra Bahadur Dangi:-
Chandra from Nepal stood one foot and nine inch tall making him the shortest man to ever live after winning the title in the Guinness World Record Book in 2012. He traveled round the World aspire ever leaving his village where he had grown up before winning the title Chandra died on the 5th of December 2015 at age 75 from pneumonia.

8) Arlindo De Souz:-
In 2014 this Brazilian man injected his arm muscle with a potentially lethal concoction to make his muscles grow to an unbelievable size. A concoction consisted of alcohol and oil which he injected into his arm, immediately after the injection his arm started to swell up. 

Arlindo is a big fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and can now mirror his physique with his 29 inch biceps. Many people have died from the substance including our own friend Micky.

7) Tom Staniford:-
In today's World many people aspire to be skinny however Stanfoed from England whose body is 0 percent fat probably has a very different ideology. He is one of the eight people in the world who suffer from MDP meaning that he is unable to store fat under his skin. 

Tom has to eat every 15 minutes to survive and may enjoy other difficulties at being zero percent fat provokes however his disease has not stopped him living life to the fullest. He has a degree in Law and French and is now a Paralympic cyclist.

6) Leonid Stadnyk:-
Leonid is a farmer from a small village in the Ukraine and is believed to be the tallest man on the planet. He measures eight feet and four inches and wears size 27 shoes in his attempted to measure him. however he's very shy and Guinness have stated that he did not want to appear in the book. However in 2013 his mother confirmed his outrageous height.

5) Patrick Deuel:-
This 53 year old American man is the heaviest man in the World weighing in at over 1,000 pounds. The former restaurant owner from Nebraska featured on the documentary "A half-ton man". At his worst condition he had not left his house or his bed for seven years and was so enormous that his bedroom wall had to be cut out to extract him from his home.

4) Garry Turner:-
Gary Turner from UK has a rare condition called Ehlers-danlos syndrome which means he can stretch his skin more than the average human. He can stretch his skin to around 16 centimeters and his neck skin to around 8 centimeters. 

He claims that the extreme stretching doesn't hurt at all and enjoys showing his stretchiness to his friends and family.

3) Amoo Hadij:-
This man does not have any kind of disease or skin condition. He just has not washed in over 60 years. This eighty years old Iranian man is arguably the dirtiest man alive. 

He lives a simple life in his tiny village and his most prized position is a pipe that he uses to smoke animal dung with he smokes around a hundred cigarettes a day and it is not known why he is chosen this bizarre lifestyle.

2) Mohammad Kaleem:-
Despite only being 8 years old Kaleem from India has the largest hands in the World is bullied by his peers and villagers believe he is cursed. 

Together his arms were staggering to stone. Kaleem's parents only earn 360 dollars a year meaning that they could not do anything about their son's hand however after gaining international media attention he is now finally being treated by medical experts in India.

1) Paul Karason:-
Paul Karason Aka Papa Smurf has blue colored skin due to a silver compound that he used to treat dermatitis on his face width. He says that he welcomes the nickname Papa Smurf only when it is said by kids. In 2013 Paul died of a stroke unrelated to his skin condition.

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