10 Most Expensive Pets In The World

           A lot of us have pets but they probably consist of dogs and cats. These pets however are totally crazy and unique but they would also empty your bank account if you try to buy them.

10) Green Monkey:-
At number 10 we have green monkey no this is not a monkey but this is one of the most expensive pets in the World and the most expensive horse in the World. Green monkey is actually an American race horse which can run a mile in just 60 seconds so how much is this price stallion worth. A thousand dollars, a hundred thousand dollars but sixteen million dollars that is what one rich horse owner paid for green monkey in 2009 unfortunately though after he bought it the horse got an injury that it won't recover from it meaning he consulate for that much again.

9) Sir Lancelot Encore:-
This dog has one fancy name but really it should be Sir Lancelot Encore the second even more fancy right that is the cause of how Sir Lancelot Encore was born. A couple named Nina and Edgar had a dog called Sir Lancelot Encore, he passed away, this made them sad so they did what any normal person would do and spent one hundred and fifty five thousand dollars scientifically cloning their dog after years they finally did it and now their new dog has a litter of its own with another dog and Sir Lancelot Encore is also the first ever cloned dog thanks to all these factors that the pooches valued at sixteen million dollars.

8) Arabian Horse:-
This is another fancy horse and what's more this is a breed not one-of-a-kind meaning you can buy one for yourself if you have a lot of cash to spend that is. Arabian horses are royal horses often bought by Saudi princess they have the perfect Tori for athletic and they are also very well known for their shinny black coat which makes them seem unique and the horse breed is even used for the Lloyd's Bank logo but you would need to have one big Lloyd's Bank account to afford this horse that is because these fairly common but expensive horses go for a hundred thousand dollars.

7) Stag Beetle:-
This may not be the most expensive pet on this list but it is a crazy price considering how small and odd this pet is chances are you probably wouldn't even want to stag beetle roaming around the horse but for some reasons some breeds can go for eighty nine thousands dollars each. They have a seven year long lifespan meaning you are getting your money's worth also some people collect them and research interesting things about their anatomy.

6) Tibetan Mastiff:-
This is the World's largest breed and the most expensive dog breed. These dogs look like lions because of how giant they are and they are ferocious like lions. They use the scarred dogs to protect NFM from cattle to castles but now-a-days celebs and rich people buy them as pets so how much are they on average, well the average Tibetan Mastiff is sold from anywhere between 500 to 600 thousand dollars and if you think that's crazy in 2011 one was sold for a massive 1.5 million dollars. I am sure that dogs getting some premium dog food if it's worth all that.

5) Miss Missy:-
This is one very odd yet expensive pet. Miss Missy is actually a cow. She is part of a rare breed called the Holstein cow so what's so special about that well those cows produced 50% more milk than the average cow and as a result she was sold in 2013 for 1.2 million dollars. I don't care how much milk that cow makes for 1.2 million dollars that milk better have diamonds floating in it.

4) White Lion Cubs:-
This is a very breed of line cub. They are not usually so expensive as they are normally brown and orange but this breed had a reputation which turned them white and it is one of the first and only animal color mutation not only are they white they also have amazing blue eyes. Celebrities and the richest can snapping these up left right and center. The average price they paid for a white lion cub a hundred and forty thousand dollars.

3) Ayam Cemani Chicken:-
A lot of us eat chicken everyday. In fact you can buy a chicken wing for about 2 dollars but if you expect to Ayam Cemani Chicken in KFC think again. 

     The average price of this chicken breed is 2500 dollars. It is a rare solid black breed of chicken from Indonesia. It's been nicknamed the Lamborghini of chickens and even its bones tongue and eyes are totally black. Just imagine finding one of these in your local supermarket.

2) Palm Cockatoo:-
These are some of the wackiest and coolest birds ever. They have an amazing spiky black crest and red face and their red face actually changes to different colors when the birds get excited. They live in New Guinea and are very exotic so exotic that some of the most famous people in the World are interested in these pets because they look so awesome. Not only that these birds are so amazing they are worth around 16000 dollars each but they are also very rare so don't expect to buying a lot of these even if you have million dollars.

1) Savannah Cat:-
A lot of people have pet cats, you can get one for about 20 dollars but they are usually not worth 12000 dollars. This cat is a hybrid between a domestic cat and a tiger. They are very long and thin and love playing in the water. Some Savannah cats with mutations such as different colored eyes can't go for even more and in 2014 one cat sold for over 20000 dollars.

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